Wednesday, October 11, 2006


Beany smelling her magazine while watching CSI! :P CSI so nice to watch! All the intestines and stomach and rib cages. Wheeeee... Don't need to be scared la... Next time sit with dominant male (e.g. BK), dominance aura will increase your confidence by 100%! :)

And I got photos of other people smelling other things during the mugging period...
Rae niffing the essence out of Maths to score As at Promos. Wonder if it works...And Rae smelling her hands...
AQ caught the fad and started smelling her hands too...

And I also got photos of Mr Jian Zhi!
Jian Zhi the TV presenter!
Tsk tsk. Jian Zhi caught red-handed. No TALKING INTO HANDPHONES in the library!

And last but not least, we have the great dominant male, LEE BK.
As usual, dominant pose. Dominant until AQ had to lean sidewards to avoid the effects of getting dominated.
Conclusion: BK = Winner.

Enjoy your exam-free days! =P

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