Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Hi guys, remember the flag day we did for SVC and SDSC?? We raised a total of $1,644.03!!! Quite a huge amount huh. Well done guys!

Anyway, SVC is organising their annual ACE and Olypic Dreams where they help raise funds for the paralympics in Beijing 2008. I think we will be helping them do fund raising. Agreeable? =D Please read on for more details. I don't think we can join the ACE thingy since we are all so busy and that requires a high level of commitment with a camp and an attachment. So basically for CIP we will help them raise funds. How we are going to do that, I will inform you guys further on later.

Another thing is that I am thinking of organising a class CIP to Sunlove Home for the Intellectually Disabled. We could go down and colunteer our services for 3days in the June Holidays. Agreeable? =D

A. Introduction
The Ability Challenge Edition (ACE) is organised by the Student Volunteer Corps (SVC) (Singapore). In this programme, we would like to encourage students in taking an interest in the disability sports scene and in coming forth as volunteer “coaches” to train the disabled community in simple and modified sports. We would like to see student activism benefiting the community and in helping the disabled adopt a healthy and sporting lifestyle.
B. Objectives
The objectives of ACE are to:
To inspire and empower students in understanding the needs of the disabled in Singapore.
To provide a platform for students to be actively involved in promoting youth volunteerism through disability sports.
To create and sustain the interest of participants in disability sports volunteerism.

Have a great week!! =DD

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