Tuesday, August 08, 2006

okay i'm not like half awake as i was when i was typing an entry on my own blog. here are two of today's pictures. (click to enlarge)

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took it like one or two seconds too late >.<

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kaiyang the man with his band! (and zhenghong with his funky shaped guitar)

ok no more. i think other people will have more pics. actually after that when we when on a USEful outing got take two more pics, but i don't think you people would be interested in those pics. so i'll just keep them for self reference.

and some teacher warned me, glen, des and brent for playing bridge while mr siva was about to perform. anyhow.

but whatever. it was mostly a waste of time, we thought we weren't going to have anything for breakfast, but miss ng bought cakes and cookies! the cookies were nice.

wait, did i say that it was mostly a waste of time? oops i did. yup. it's almost as bad as ri's one last year.

well that's all for now.

happy national day peoples! =)

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